Friday, November 30, 2007

Everyone praising God! Apostle Richard preaching

Everyone hanging out and talking before the show

Daniel taking a pic of Matt

Uncle Lenzy speaking

Apostle Richard and Rhonda

Nick praying

Nick being crazy

Gathered for a bonfire

My little brother praying

My little brother praying with a bunch of teens

Nice big fire

Crazy people and Brad right in the middle of the madness

Preaching by the fire!!

Lilo the puppy

Praising God with great music

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Monday, November 5, 2007


Just figured I will share some cool pics with you guys. I love you all

Friday, October 12, 2007

Hi everyone I hope you are all feeling great and living right. My dad and Nick are in Georgia until Saturday. Me and my mom and Brad went to the office in Mobile at the church today. I took some pics of everyone working so hard and I figured I will share a couple of them with you.

Top: He's so funny

Bottom: Mom jumped in and handled some business while we were there

This is Micah working hard. He is in charge of making sure my dad's schedule is not to overbooked and he keeps us all from going crazy when the schedule gets busy.

This is Casey. He stays very busy keeping track of all of our financial support and spending the ministry money wisely.

Here is Chad. A great guy. Chad works hard as the office manager.

Thanks for checking out a few pics. I will post a new blog as soon as I can. I love you all. God bless all of you!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

You know you're and MK when

You can't answer the question, "Where are you from?"
You think that barrels make good end tables, and think that barrels make good night stands.
011 is a familiar area code.
The vast majority of your clothes are hand-me-downs.
People send you used tea bags in the mail.
You speak two languages, but can't spell either.
You flew before you could walk.
The U.S. is a foreign country.
You embarrass yourself by asking what swear words mean.
You have a passport, but no driver's license.
You watch National Geographic specials and recognize someone.
You have a time zone map next to your telephone.
You don't know how to play Pac-Man.
You consider a city 500 miles away to be "very close."
Your life story uses the phrase "Then we went to..." five times.
You prefer a Land Rover to a Lexus.
You watch nature documentaries, and you think about how good that would be if it were fried.
You can cut grass with a machete, but can't start a lawnmower.
You think in grams, meters, and liters.
You speak with authority on the quality of airline travel.
You go to the U.S., and get sick from a mosquito bite.
You send your family peanut butter and Kool-Aid for Christmas.
You worry about fitting in, and wear a native wrap around the dorm.
National Geographic makes you homesick.
You have strong opinions about how to cook bugs.
You read the international section before the comics.
You live at school, work in the tropics, and go home for vacation.
You don't know where home is.
Strangers say they can remember you when you were "this tall."
You grew up with a maid.
You do your devotions in another language.
You sort your friends by continent.
You keep dreaming of a green Christmas.
"Where are you from?" has more than one reasonable answer.
The nationals say, "Oh, I knew an American once..." and then ask if you know him or her.
You aren't terribly surprised when you do.
You are grateful for the speed and efficiency of the U.S. Postal Service.
You realize that furlough is not a vacation.
You'd rather never say hello than have to say goodbye.
You wince when people mispronounce foreign words.
You've spoken in dozens of churches, but aren't a pastor.
Furlough means that you are stuffed every night... and have to eat it all to seem polite.
You realize that in Australia, the last statement would be very rude.
Your parents decline your cousin's offer to let them use his BMW, and shoehorn all six of you into an old VW Beetle instead.
You stockpile mangoes.
You know what real coffee tastes like.
The majority of your friends never spoke English.
Someone bring up the name of a team, and you get the sport wrong.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Just some pics of my crazy brother I wanted to share with you guys. We are going home tomorrow and will be there for 4 days to rest up then we go to TN for the weekend.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Enterprise, Alabama

Hi everyone. We were in Georgia for the weekend and had a great time in the Lord. Now we are in Enterprise for the rest of the week. We have been playing a lot of yard football here with kids in the church and today we got a game going at the hotel. Someone emailed me the other day and wanted to know on my next blog what everyone is doing at the time when I am typing. So here it goes. My dad is with the Pastor from the church right now. They went to visit someone in the hospital here. My mom is eating. Nick is outside talking to some man and his kids that he met here at the hotel. Brad is taking a bath. And of course I am typing this. As far as tomorrow we are all going to the college here to talk to the high school kids that are using the college as their school until the high school is fixed. (A tornado hit the high school in March)

Gid is moving and we are glad to be in the movement with Him.

I wanted to address something that I have an email on. Someone sent me an email asking me to write more about some of the miracles and healings I have seen in my life with this ministry. I am going to prepare that and I will post it shortly. I am sorry but we have been very very busy and our schedule is pretty tight for the rest of the year. Also another email was a question about booking my family to preach at an event. I sent that person the info on how to do that and I will continue doing it that way. You have to call our home church located in Mobile, Alabama and set up everything thru them.

I will post a new blog pretty soon and I will keep up to date on everything oyu guys are requesting. Thanks for being a part of our ministry.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Words from a Prophet

The following comes from a Prophet, General, and Man of God so read carefully, Pray about it and apply it to your life.

RELATIONSHIP -> REVELATION -> AUTHORITY -> POWER Before he was John the Revelator, he was John the Beloved. Before he was caught up into Heaven on the Lord’s day, he laid his head on the Lord’s breast.
John’s power was a result of the authority he received from the Christ. His revelation was a result of his relationship with the Christ. That authentic revelation was revealed through authentic power.
There is a vulnerability in the Church today caused by a lack of authenticity. We have lost the element of surprise – that is, that unique manifestation of power demonstrated by the Christ - as we attempt to establish His Kingdom in the earth. This element of surprise comes from our authenticity; our authenticity comes from knowing our true identity; our true identity comes from truly knowing our Father. In essence, we must truly become Sons of God.
Sadly, there is very little authentic power evident in the Church today. There is more emphasis on the spectacular than the supernatural. There is more concern about how many people are sitting in the seats than there is about setting those same people free from the things that bind them. This is a product of insecure leaders who build churches full of co-dependent people. These co-dependent people, in turn, feed the insecure leaders. And the cycle continues.
In order to find our true identity in the Father, it must first begin with relationship. That relationship will lead to revelation, and the authority you receive and operate in will release power. The supernatural power demonstrated by those with authority will validate the authenticity of who they are and identify them rightly in the earth, as Sons of the Most High God.
The earth is waiting …

Sunday, September 2, 2007

All over the place and back again

Hi everyone, we are back in California again for a few days and we just got in from Church. Everyone is doing good, God is moving in the world and the Kingdom is being advanced for sure. We had a great conference in Alabama. In September we will not have the conference in Alabama but instead it will be in Tennessee. We will sure love to see everyone there so if you need directions then email me and I will take care of that for you.

My younger brother recently had to be rushed to the emergency room. He is much better now thanks to all the prayers. Please continue to pray for him.

We had a really scary flight coming to cali this time. I was almost ready to just get off the plane and walk ha ha. But we all know that if you fly enough that will happen sometimes. Me and Nick were talking tonight and we want to pray for all of the people that read my blog. Fell free to send us your prayer requests to my email.

I will post some more pics up soon so keep checking back for updates. If you haven't yet make sure you go to my website and sign my guestbook please.

This is all I have for now so until next time Godspeed my brothers and sisters

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Much is required

Luke 12:48

For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.

If we can begin to move some things in Heaven from the earth then God can move some things in the earth from Heaven. When God speaks to me and tells me to type something in my blog I always realize that God is not a respector of persons. This is meant for someone out there now who is reading this blog. God has freely given to you and now he is expecting you to do his will. It's all about submission, a willing mind, and a spirit filled soul. You have the power, potential, and knowledge to do what God has chosen for you to do. Don't get caught up in the things of this world. Keep your eyes on the only one who can save you in that day. He will never forsake you.

I have no idea who you are that is meant to read this message but I posted it because God wanted me to. I pray that it will bless you.

Friday, August 24, 2007


Greetings everyone. We are in Alabama tonight. If you want to join us live online tomorrow then email me tonight and I will give you the link. We will be starting at 10am and will have a break around 5pm then we will start again at 7pm until 11 pm.

It is prophesied in the Bible that a generation will cry out to God. We are that generation. A powerful annointing is spreading like fire across the world right now. In the book of Malachi it says that the prophet Elijah will be returned unto us before the day of the Lord. Well brothers and sisters I can see it coming. The world is being prepared and our generation is leading the way. God is filling kids and teens with the power of the Holy Ghost.

What if?

What if you walked into a grocery store and as you passed a lady in the aisle, God spoke to you and said. " Lay your hands on her and Pray because she is sick and I will heal her."
What if you walked into the cancer ward at a children's hospital and raised the dead.
What if you healed a blind man and he could see.
What if everywhere you went the demons had to bow down and could not hurt you.

What if God is calling on you right now, this very second to do all of these things and more thru the power of the Holy Ghost?!

What if?
What if?
What if?

My Father in Heaven, I humble myself before you tonight, forgive me of my debts as I forgive my debtors O Lord, I thank you God that you saved me, you bring me out of the valleys and put me up on the mountain, I know God that I will not live an easy life and always be on the mountain, but Father I know that you are always with me, may I suffer persecution for you my Lord, Paul says that all who live for you shall be persecuted God and I have been scarred, I thank you for each and every scar Lord, I praise your name, Jesus I love you with all my heart, body and soul, here am I O Lord, with a humble spirit and a willing mind God I ask that you fill this world with your Holy Spirit, I will never turn back Father, you have called on me and you talk to me everyday my Lord, I will never go back, protect us warriors on the earth and may we heal the sick and seek and find the lost to be a witness to them for you, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray with thanksgiving, Amen.

TN today

Hi everyone. We had an awesome afternoon in TN. Here are some pics.