Friday, November 30, 2007

Everyone praising God! Apostle Richard preaching

Everyone hanging out and talking before the show

Daniel taking a pic of Matt

Uncle Lenzy speaking

Apostle Richard and Rhonda

Nick praying

Nick being crazy

Gathered for a bonfire

My little brother praying

My little brother praying with a bunch of teens

Nice big fire

Crazy people and Brad right in the middle of the madness

Preaching by the fire!!

Lilo the puppy

Praising God with great music

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's great seeing tons of new pictures like a couple of your lil bro! :) Also, very cool pic of Nick with the sun and funny in the next one what is he doing and who's in the pic? Are those his pants hanging down or another guy's?! lol here it's snowing. If you get this today pray I can still make it to my favorite Christmas event tonight that I guess this year even has a coffeehouse with Christian music! If not, I'll be snowed in and on tonight probably pretty sad...