Thursday, August 16, 2007

Been a few days

Sorry it has been a few days since my last post. Just to give an update, we have been Preaching in Utah after we left California. Tomorrow we are flying back home to stay about a week then we are going to Tennessee ( I hope I spelled that right ) to a youth conference. God has been working here and it is amazing what he is doing. Thank you to all of our new Prayer supporters we have gained while here and also since my first blog has been published online. I want to say a special thanks to a special friend who helped my brother recently. Your prayers have been a powerful tool that helped him thru a hard time and I thank you for it. Also I praise God for freeing Nick from his battle. Our brothers and sisiters in the world are so encouraging to us.

As far as what we have been doing. ( hmm where do i start? ) Since we have been here let me give you a quick run down. Monday we hung out as a family and spent a lot of time Praying for the upcoming revival here in Utah. We arrived at the church at about 6pm and were greeted by the Pastor there and his family. The first night was awesome, God was present as we worshipped him and 3 souls were saved that night. After the service my mom and Nick went right back to the hotel while me, my dad, and Brad went home with the Pastor to hang out and we really had a good time. On Tuesday I didn't see my dad much, he woke up early and went with the Pastor to a Hospital to Pray. Me, mom and brothers went to the church that night running a little late and then had another awesome night with God. Today ( the final day or revival here ) was a really long day. We woke up early and were on the road all day with the Pastor driving around to different areas here and talking to the locals, sharing our faith, and having a great time with the Lord. We finished the revival and came back to the hotel to get some rest so we will be good and rested tomorrow for the flight home. It is late now and I am going to bed soon myself. My parents are now asleep and so is Brad. Nick is still awake but he never sleeps much haha.

On a final note I would like to say to everyone reading, lets remember to Pray without ceasing like Paul tells us to do. You know in battle one way to effectively hurt your enemy is to take out their communications. Beleive me satan knows this and he can compromise your Prayer time between you and God then he can move in and influence your life. The only way you can walk in the Spirit is to Pray, Pray, Pray. Always Pray. I think now I will go Pray and then go to bed. Until next time Godspeed my brothers and sisters. I love you all. Good Night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah that's great to hear Nick's doing better after earlier this week. :) He doesn't sleep a lot. lol He's secretly a night person. ha ha ;)Cool, so you have a week off now? Hopefully we could chat soon. Stay awesome and stay strong Chase!